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7th class > Comparing Quantities > Converting Fractional Numbers to Percentage

Converting Fractional Numbers to Percentage

Fractional numbers can have different denominator. To compare fractional numbers, we need a common denominator and we have seen that it is more convenient to compare if our denominator is 100. That is, we are converting the fractions to Percentages. Let us try converting different fractional numbers to Percentages.

Example 1 :

Write 13 as per cent.


  • To convert 13 into percentage, we can multiply and divide from both sides (the number remains the same).
  • The 100100 fraction denotes the .
  • The 100 is to the numerator giving us the fraction:
  • Upon finding the decimal form we get: 13 is equal to %
  • Hence, the percentage has been found.

Let's have a look pictorially. What is 3/5 as percent.

35·100100. In the last class we saw multiplication of two fractions. 3/5 and 100/100 are represented below. Move one over the other and see how many grids are covered. You will find there are 60 grids covered. Out of 100. So it is 60%. 3/5 is %


Convert 54 into per cent.


  • To convert 54 into percentage, we can multiply to the number which denotes the percentage
  • Upon solving, we get the value:
  • Hence 54 is equal to 125%

From these examples, we find that the percentages related to proper fractions are 100 whereas percentages related to improper fractions are 100.