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7th class > Fractions and Decimals > Multiplication of Fractions

Multiplication of Fractions

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You know how to find the area of a rectangle. It is equal to length × breadth. If the length and breadth of a rectangle are 7 cm and 4 cm respectively, then what will be its area? Its area would be 7 × 4 = cm2.

What will be the area of the rectangle if its length and breadth are 7 12 cm and 3 12 cm respectively? You will say it will be:

7 12 × 3 12 = × .

The numbers 152 and 72 are fractions. To calculate the area of the given rectangle, we need to know how to multiply fractions. We shall learn that now.

Multiplication of a Fraction by a Whole Number

Consider the below pictures. The first grid has a shaded portion of 14 and the second grid has a portion of 14 shaded. Move the first grid over the second grid.

What part of the grid does the shaded portion now cover? It represents of the grid.

So 2×14 =

Look at the figures below. Drag all of them unto one and solve the below.

How many green-coloured grids do we have?

What fraction was shaded in each grid?

So we have 3×14=

(i)Let us find now 3 × 12



  • We can re-write 3 as a fraction i.e.
  • Multiplying the numerators and denominators, we get
  • Another method that we can use is
  • the individual numbers
  • We have found the answer.

The fractions that we considered till now, i.e., 12,23,27 were proper fractions.

For improper fractions also, we have 23×5 = 2×53 =

Thus, to multiply a whole number with a proper or an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number with the numerator of the fraction, keeping the denominator same.

Try these

Find if the product is proper or improper. In case of an improper fraction, make it a mixed fraction.

(i) 97×6



  • Finding the product of 97 × 6, we get
  • Now we have an fraction in our hand.
  • Converting it into a mixed fraction: re-write the numerator as a sum consisting the nearest multiple + remainder.
  • Individually dividing the terms
  • Hence the mixed fraction is
  • We have found the answer.

(ii) 27×3



  • The product is 27 × 3 is:
  • Multiplying we get a fraction
  • Thus, we have found our answer.

(iii) 3×18



  • The product is 3×18 is:
  • Multiplying we get a fraction
  • Thus, we have found our answer.

(iv) 6×1311



  • The product is 6×1311 is:
  • Multiplying we get a fraction
  • Converting it into a mixed fraction: re-write the numerator as a sum consisting the nearest multiple + remainder.
  • Individually dividing the terms
  • Hence the mixed fraction is
  • We have found the answer.

To multiply a mixed fraction to a whole number, first convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction and then multiply. For example, 3×257= 3×197 = 577 = 817

Try these


(i) 5 × 2 37



  • Converting the mixed fraction to improper, we get
  • Finding the product we get:
  • We get an fraction.
  • Dividing individually
  • Converting to mixed fraction:
  • We have found the answer

(i) 149×6



  • Converting the mixed fraction to improper, we get
  • Finding the product we get:
  • We get an fraction.
  • Dividing individually
  • Converting to mixed fraction:
  • We have found the answer

Represent pictorially : 2×25 = 45

Rectangle Line Paint Move Copy Paste

Click on rectangle and draw a rectangle below.

Click on line and divide the rectangle into 5 equal parts by drawing vertical lines in the rectangle(approximately is fine).

Click on move. Drag and select the drawn rectangles and lines. Once the rectangle is selected, click on copy and then paste. You get a similar rectangle divided into 5 parts. Move it to a different location.

Click on paint and color the left two parts of the first rectange. This represents 25 fraction.

Color the right two parts for the second rectangle. This represents the next 25 fraction. So now we have 25 fractions.

Click on move, drag and select the second rectangle and move it over the first rectangle.

This shows 2×25=45.

Fraction as an operator ‘of’


Observe the above figure
The squares are exactly similar.
Each shaded portion represents 12 of .
So, both the shaded portions together will represent 12 of .
Combine the 2 shaded 12 parts It represents .
So, we say 12 of 2 is 1. We can also get it as 12 × 2 =
Thus, 12 of 2 = 12 × 2 = .

Also, look at these similar squares


Observe the above figure
Each shaded portion represents 12 of .
So, the three shaded portions represent 12 of
Combine the 3 shaded parts.
It represents 1 12 i.e.,
So, 12 of 3 is . Also, 12 × 3 =

So we see that ‘of’ represents multiplication.


Can you tell, what is: (i) 12 of 10 = 12 × 10 =
(ii) 14 of 16 = 14 × 16 =
(iii) 25 of 25 = 25 × 25 =

In a class of 40 students 15 of the total number of studetns like to study English, 25 of the total number like to study Mathematics and the remaining students like to study Science.

(i) How many students like to study English?

Total number of students in the class = .

Of these 15 of the total number of students like to study English.

Thus, the number of students who like to study English = 15 of 40 = 15 × 40 =.

(ii)What fraction of the total number of students like to study Science?

The number of students who like English and Mathematics = 8 + 16 = .

Thus, the number of students who like Science = 40 – 24 = .

Thus, the required fraction is .

Dana had a 9 cm long strip of ribbon. She cut this strip into four equal parts. How did she do it? She folded the strip .

What fraction of the total length will each part represent?

Each part will be 94 of the strip. She took one part and divided it in two equal parts by folding the part once. What will one of the pieces represent?

It will represent 12 of 94 or 12×94.

Let us now see how to find the product of two fractions like 12×94.

To do this we first learn to find the products like ×

How do we find 13 of a whole? We divide the whole in three equal parts. Each of the three parts represents of the whole.

Now we need to find 12 of this shaded part. Let's divide this into two equal parts. Each of these parts represents of 13.

Now move one grid over the other. This image captures a grid divided in 3 parts and each of the 3 parts divided into 2 parts. How many equal parts do we have? We have equal parts.

How many parts are intersecting?

We have part intersecting.

That part is the 13 of 12 or 13×12=

Answer the below questions


How do we find 13 of a whole?
We divide the whole in equal parts.
Each of the three parts represents of the whole.



How will you find 12 of this shaded part?
Divide this one-third (13) shaded part into two equal parts.
Each of the three parts represents of the whole.
Each of these two parts represents 12 of 13 i.e. 12 × 13 =

(i) 12 × 17 = 1×12×7 =

(ii) 17 × 15 = 1×17×5 =

(iii) 17 × 12 = 1×17×2 =

(iv) 15 × 17 = 1×15×7 =

Sushant reads 13 part of a book n 1 hour. How much part of the book will he read in 2 15 hours?


How much of the book has been read

  • From the problem, we can see that we need to find the of and 2×15
  • Finding the product, we get:
  • Converting the mixed fraction into improper
  • Further simplifying it
  • Hence, Sushant read of the book in the given time.

So, 12 × 53 = 12 × 13 × 5 = 16 × 5 =

Also, 56 = 1×52×3 . Thus, 12 × 53 = 1×52×3 =

This is also shown by the figures drawn below. Each of these five equal shapes are parts of five similar circles. Take one such shape. To obtain this shape we first divide a circle in three equal parts. Further divide each of these three parts in two equal parts. One part out of it is the shape we considered. What will it represent?

It will represent 12 × 13 =

The total of such parts would be 5 × 16 =

So, we find that we multiply two fractions as Product of NumeratorsProduct of Denominators.


Find: 13 × 45 =
23 × 15 =
83 × 47 =
34 × 23 =

You have seen that the product of two whole numbers is than each of the two whole numbers.

For example, 3 × 4 = and 12 > 4, 12 > 3.

What happens to the value of the product when we multiply two fractions? Let us first consider the product of two proper fractions. We have:

Size (in inches)Number of Shirts SoldTotal
23 × 45 = 815815 < 23 ; 815 < 45Product is less than each of the fractions
15× 27=< 15; <27Product is less than each of the fractions
35 × 18= < 35; < 18 Product is less than each of the fractions
25 × 49= <25; < 49 Product is less than each of the fractions

You will find that when two proper fractions are multiplied, the product is less than each of the fractions. Or, we say the value of the product of two proper fractions is smaller than each of the two fractions.

We find that the product of two improper fractions is than each of the two fractions.

Or, the value of the product of two improper fractions is more than each of the two fractions.

The product obtained is less than the improper fraction and greater than the proper fraction involved in the multiplication.