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9th class > Herons Formula > Introduction


Area of Triangle - by Herons’ Formula

We know that the area of triangle when its height is given, is A=12× base × height. Now suppose that we know the lengths of the sides of a scalene triangle and not the height.

Can you still find its area? For instance, you have a triangular park whose sides are 40 m, 32 m, and 24 m. How will you calculate its area? Definitely if you want to apply the formula, you will have to calculate its height. But we do not have a clue to calculate the height. Try doing so. If you are not able to get it, then go to the next section.

Heron was born in about 10AD possibly in Alexandria in Egypt. He worked in applied mathematics. His works on mathematical and physical subjects are so numerous and varied that he is considered to be an encyclopedic writer in these fields.

His geometrical works deal largely with problems on mensuration written in three books. Book I deals with the area of squares, rectangles, triangles, trapezoids (trapezia), various other specialised quadrilaterals, the regular polygons, circles, surfaces of cylinders, cones, spheres etc. In this book, Heron has derived the famous formula for the area of a triangle in terms of its three sides.

Heron of Alexandria.

Herons’ Formula
The formula given by Heron about the area of a triangle, is also known as Hero’s formula. It is stated as:

Area of a triangle = ssasbsc

where a, b and c are the sides of the triangle, and s = semi-perimeter, i.e., half the perimeter of the triangle = a+b+c2

This formula is helpful where it is not possible to find the height of the triangle easily. Let us apply it to calculate the area of the triangular park ABC, mentioned in the below figure.

Let us take a = 40 m, b = 24 m, c = 32 m,

so that we have s =40+24+322 m = = m.

s – a = (48 – 40) m = m,

s – b = (48 – 24) m = m,

s – c = (48 – 32) m = m.

Therefore, area of the park ABC

= ssasbsc

= 48×8×24×16 m2 = m2

We see that 322+242=1024+576 = = 2.

Therefore, the sides of the park make a right triangle. The largest side, i.e., BC which is 40 m will be the hypotenuse and the angle between the sides AB and AC will be °.

We can check that the area of the park is 12×32×24 m2 = m2.

We find that the area we have got is the same as we found by using Heron’s formula.

Now using Heron’s formula, you verify this fact by finding the areas of other triangles discussed earlier viz.,

(i) equilateral triangle with side 10 cm.

(ii) isosceles triangle with unequal side as 8 cm and each equal side as 5 cm.

You will see that

For (i), we have s = 10+10+102 cm = cm.

Area of triangle = 15151015101510 cm2

=15××× cm2 = 3cm2

For (ii), we have s = 8+5+52 cm = cm

Area of triangle = 9989595cm2=253cm2

= 9×××cm2= cm2.

Let us now solve some more examples.

Example 1 : Find the area of a triangle, two sides of which are 8 cm and 11 cm and the perimeter is 32 cm.

Solution : Here we have perimeter of the triangle = 32 cm, a = 8 cm and b = 11 cm.

Third side c = 32 cm – (8 + 11) cm = cm

So, 2s = 32, i.e., s = cm,

s – a = (16 – 8) cm = cm,

s – b = (16 – 11) cm = cm,

s – c = (16 – 13) cm = cm.

Therefore, area of the triangle = ssasbsc

=16×8×5×3cm2 = cm2

Example 2 : A triangular park ABC has sides 120 m, 80 m and 50 m. A gardener Dhania has to put a fence all around it and also plant grass inside. How much area does she need to plant? Find the cost of fencing it with barbed wire at the rate of ₹ 20 per metre leaving a space 3 m wide for a gate on one side.

Solution : For finding area of the park, we have

2s = 50 m + 80 m + 120 m = m.

i.e., s = m

Now, s – a = (125 – 120) m = m,

s – b = (125 – 80) m = m,

s – c = (125 – 50) m = m.

Therefore, area of the park = ssasbsc

= 125×5×45×75m2

= m2

Also, perimeter of the park = AB + BC + CA = m

Therefore, length of the wire needed for fencing = 250 m – 3 m (to be left for gate) = m

And so the cost of fencing = ₹ 20 × 247 = ₹

Example 3 : The sides of a triangular plot are in the ratio of 3 : 5 : 7 and its perimeter is 300 m. Find its area.

Solution : Suppose that the sides, in metres, are 3x, 5x and 7x .

Then, we know that 3x + 5x + 7x = 300 (perimeter of the triangle)

Therefore, 15x = 300, which gives x = .

So the sides of the triangle are 3 × 20 m, 5 × 20 m and 7 × 20 m i.e., m, m and m.

Can you now find the area [Using Heron’s formula]?

We have s = 60+100+1402 m = m,

and area will be 15015060150100150140m2

= 150×××m2

= m2