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9th class > Number Systems > Irrational Numbers

Irrational Numbers

We saw, in the previous section, that there may be numbers on the number line that are not rationals. In this section, we are going to investigate these numbers. So far, all the numbers you have come across are of the form pq, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.

So, you may ask: are there numbers which are not of this form? There are indeed such numbers.

The Pythagoreans in Greece, followers of the famous mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, were the first to discover the numbers which were not rationals, around 400 BC. These numbers are called irrational numbers (irrationals), because they cannot be written in the form of a ratio of integers. There are many myths surrounding the discovery of irrational numbers by the Pythagorean, Hippacus of Croton. In all the myths, Hippacus has an unfortunate end, either for discovering that 2 is irrational or for disclosing the secret about 2 to people outside the secret Pythagorean sect!

Pythagoras (569 BCE – 479 BCE)

Let us formally define these numbers.

A number ‘s’ is called , if it cannot be written in the form pq, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0

You already know that there are infinitely many rationals. It turns out that there are infinitely many irrational numbers too. Some examples are:

2, 3,15,π,0.1011011101111...

Remark : Recall that when we use the symbol ·, we assume that it is the positive square root of the number. So 4=2, though both 2 and –2 are square roots of 4.

Some of the irrational numbers listed above are familiar to you.

For example: you have already come across many of the square roots listed above and the number π.

The Pythagoreans proved that 2 is irrational.

Later in approximately 425 BC,Theodorus of Cyrene showed that 3,5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15and 17 are also irrationals. Proofs of irrationality of 2 , 3 , 5 , etc. shall be discussed in Class X.

As to π, it was known to various cultures for thousands of years, it was proved to be irrational by Lambert and Legendre only in the late 1700s.

In the next section, we will discuss why 0.10110111011110... and π are irrational.

Let us return to the questions raised at the end of the previous section.

Remember the bag of rational numbers. If we now put all irrational numbers into the bag, will there be any number left on the number line? The answer is !

It turns out that the collection of all rational numbers and irrational numbers together make up what we call the collection of numbers,which is denoted by .

Therefore, a real number is rational or irrational. So, we can say that every real number is represented by a unique point on the number line. Also, every point on the number line represents a unique real number. This is why we call the number line, the real number line.

In the 1870s two German mathematicians, Cantor and Dedekind, showed that :

Corresponding to every real number, there is a point on the real number line, and corresponding to every point on the number line, there exists a unique real number.

R.Dedekind (1831-1916) G.Cantor (1845-1918)

Example 3: Locate 2 on the number line.

Consider a square on a numberline with each side 1 unit in length. Then you can see by the Pythagoras theorem, the length of the diagonal of the square will be =

Draw the diagonal from point "0" to point O.

Using this diagonal as the radius, we can draw an arc/circle which cuts the numberline. The point B at which the numberline and the circle intersect, represents 2.

Drag the point O onto the numberline.

The point B represents 2 on the numberline.

Example 4: Locate 3 on the number line.

Drawing a perpendicular passing through point O (end point of the hypotenuse of length 2), take a measurement of 1 unit on it. Let this point be "A".

Join point 0(zero on numberline) with A which will give us a new triangle.

Using the Pythagoras theorem, we see that in the newly formed triangle:

OA = 22+12 =

Using a compass, with number "0" as the centre and radius OA, draw an arc which intersects the number line at the point B. (Now, drop point A on the numberline).

Then B corresponds to 3.

In the same way, you can locate n for any positive integer n, after n1 has been located.