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9th class > Number Systems > Laws of Exponents for Real Numbers

Laws of Exponents for Real Numbers

Do you remember how to simplify the following?

(i) 172·175=

(ii) 527 =

(iii)2310237 =

(iv) 73·93 =

To get these answers, you would have used the following laws of exponents, which you have learnt in your earlier classes (Here a, n and m are natural numbers.

Remember a is called the base and m and n are the exponents.)

(i) am·an=
(ii) amn =
(iii) aman = amn,m>n
(iv) am·bm =

What is a0?

it is .

So you have learnt that a0 = .

So, using (iii), we can get 1an = an.

We can now extend the laws to negative exponents too.

For example:

(i)172·175 = 173 =

(ii) 527 =

(iii)2310237 =

(iv)73·93 =

Example 20: Simplify


(i) 223×213
223·213 =
= 223+13
= = =
(ii) 3154
315×4 =
(iii) 715713
71513 = 73515 =
(iv) 1315×1715
You can combine the bases : a1n×b1n = a×b1n
= 1315×1715 =
Now calculating: 13 × 17 =
1315×1715 =

How would we go about it?

It turns out that we can extend the laws of exponents that we have studied earlier, even when the base is a positive real number and the exponents are rational numbers.

We define \sqrt[n]{a} for a real number a > 0 as follows:

Let a > 0 be a real number and n a positive integer. Then na=b, if bn = a and b > 0.

In the language of exponents, we define na=a1n. So, in particular, 32=213.

There are now two ways to look at 432.

432 = 4123= 23 =

432 = 4312 = 6412 =

Therefore, we have the following definition:

Let a > 0 be a real number. Let m and n be integers such that m and n have no common factors other than 1, and n > 0. Then,


We now have the following extended laws of exponents: Let a > 0 be a real number and p and q be rational numbers.

Then, we have

(i) ap·aq= (ii) apq =
(iii) apaq= (iv) ap·bp=