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9th class > Polynomials > Algebraic Identities

Algebraic Identities

From your earlier classes, you may recall that an algebraic identity is an algebraic equation that is true for all values of the variables occurring in it. You have studied the following algebraic identities in earlier classes:

Identity I : x+y2 = x2 + 2xy + y2

Identity II : xy2 = x2 - 2xy + y2

Identity III : x2 - y2 = (x + y) (x – y)

Identity IV : (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab

You must have also used some of these algebraic identities to factorise the algebraic expressions. You can also see their utility in computations.

Example 11

Find the following products using appropriate identities:

(i) x+3x+3



  • We have the equation, Here we can use Identity I is :
  • using Identity I x+y2 = x2+2xy+y2 Putting y = 3 in it. we have to apply the identity I and replace the 'y' value in our product
  • Calculating the terms and we get the equation: x2+ x +
  • We have found the solution.

(ii) (x – 3) (x + 5)



  • We have the equationas shown above. Here we can use Identity IV.
  • Using Identity IV (x + a) (x + b) = x2+ (a + b)x + ab apply (x-3)(x+5) into the identity
  • Calculating the terms and we get the equation: x2 + x -
  • We have found the solution.

Example 12

Evaluate 105 × 106 without multiplying directly.


Evaluate the expression without multiply

  • Taking the product, express each term as a sum of two numbers.
  • Expanding the expression we get: First term 105 = 100 + and the second term 106 = 100 +
  • Using Identity IV x+ax+b = x2+a+bx+ab we have to apply the IV identity in the expression.
  • Calculating and adding the terms.
  • We get the answer as .
  • We have found the answer.

You have seen some uses of the identities listed above in finding the product of some given expressions. These identities are useful in factorisation of algebraic expressions also, as you can see in the following examples.

Example 13: Factorise:

(i) 49a2+70ab+25b2


Factorise the expression

  • Now comparing it with Identity I we get:
  • 49a2 = , 25b2 = , 70ab =
  • Thus, x = and y =
  • Therefore the expression is: 49a2+70ab+25b2 =
  • We have found the answer.

(ii) 254x2 - y29


Factorise the expression

  • Now comparing it with Identity III we get
  • So the find the factors of 25 = , 4 = and 9 =
  • Therefore the expression is
  • We have found the answer.

So far, all our identities involved products of binomials.

Let us now extend the Identity I to a trinomial x + y + z. We shall compute x+y+z2 by using Identity I.



  • We have the expression, Let x + y = t. Then,
  • Using Identity I (x+y2 = x2+2xy+y2), so the expression is t2 + 2 + z2
  • Substituting the value of t is x+y2 +2z +z2
  • Using Identity I
  • Rearranging the terms
  • We have found the answer.

Identity V : x+y+z2 = x2 + y2 + z2+ 2xy + 2yz + 2zx

Remark : We call the right hand side expression the expanded form of the left hand side expression. Note that the expansion of x+y+z2 consists of three square terms and three product terms.

Example 14

Write 3a+4b+5c2 in expanded form


expand form

  • Comparing the given expression with x+y+z2, we find that x = 3a, y = 4b and z = 5c.
  • Therefore, using Identity V, we have
  • expand the expression
  • We get the expression is a2 + b2 + c2 + ab + bc + ac
  • We have found the answer.

Example 15 :


Expand 4a2b3c2
Using Identity V, we have: 4a2b3c2 = 4a+2b+3c2
= + + + + +
= a2 + b2 + c2 + ab + bc + ac
We have found the answer.

Example 16:


Factorise 4x2+y2+z24xy2yz+4xz
= + + + + +
= 2xy+z2 = 2xy+z2xy+z
We have found the answer.

So far, we have dealt with identities involving second degree terms. Now let us extend Identity I to compute x+y3. We have:

x+y3 = x+yx+y2 = x+yx2+y2+2xy

= xx2+y2+2xy + yx2+y2+2xy

= x3+2x2y+xy2+x2y+2xy2+y3

= x3+3x2y+3xy2+y3 = x3+3xyx+y+y3

This gives us:

Identity VI : x+y3 = x3 + y3+ 3xy (x + y)

Identity VII :xy3 = x3 - y3 - 3xy (x - y) or x3 - 3x2y+ 3xy2 -y3

Example 17

Write the following cubes in the expanded form:

(i) 3a+4b3


Expand form for cubes

  • Comparing the given expression with x+y3 we find that x = 3a, y = 4b.
  • Therefore, using Identity VI, we have
  • expand the expression
  • We get the expression is a3+ b3 + a2b + ab2
  • We have found the answer.

(ii) 5p3q3

Expand form for cubes

  • Comparing the given expression with x+y3 we find that x = 5p, y = 3q.
  • Therefore, using Identity VII, we have
  • Expand the expression 5p3q3 = 5p33q335p3q5p3q
  • We get the expression is + +
  • We have found the answer.

Example 18 :


Evaluate each of the following using suitable identities:(i) 1043 (ii) 9993
(i)We have: 1043 = = 1003+43+31004100+4
= + 64 + =
(ii) We have: 9993 = = 100031331000110001
= – 1 – =
We have found the answers.

Example 19

Factorise : 8x3+y3+27z3 – 18xyz


Factorise the expression

  • Here, we have
  • expand the expression
  • Substituting the expression with factor
  • Hence we get the expression is

Identity VIII : x3 + y3 + z3– 3xyz = (x + y + z) x2+y2+z2xyyzzx

Example 20:


Factorise : 8x3+y3+27z318xyz
8x3+y3+27z318xyz = + +
= 2x2+y2+3z22xyy3z2x3z
= 2x+y+3z + +
Since we have, abc2 = a2+b2+c22ab2bc2ca we can do : 4x2+y2+9z22xy3yz6zx =
= 2x+y+3z2xy3z2