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9th class > Polynomials > Exercise 2.4

Exercise 2.4

1. Use suitable identities to find the following products.

Match the following

(y^2) + (3/2)(y^2 -3/2)

2. Evaluate the following products without multiplying directly.

(i)103 x 107


Use the identity (x + a)(x + b)=x2 + (a+b)x + ab.
= 103 x 107 = (100 + 3)(100 + 7)
Substitute x=100, a=3, b=7 in the above identity.
= 1002+(3+7)(100)+(3)(7).
= 10000 + 1000 + 21 = .

(ii)95 x 96

Use the identity (x + a)(x + b)=x2 + (a+b)x + ab.
= 95 x 96 = (100 - 5)(100 - 4)
Substitute x=100, a=-5, b=-4 in the above identity.
= 1002 + (-5-4)(100)+ (-5)(-4).
= 10000 - 900 + 20 = .

(iii)104 x 96

Use the identity (a+b)(a-b) = a2-b2.
= 104 x 96 = (100+4)(100-4)
Substitute a=100,b=4 in the above identity.
= 1002-42 = 10000 - 16 = .

3. Factorise the following using appropriate identities.


Using Algebraic Identity a+b2 = a2+2ab+b2 we get: = and b =
Simplifying : 3x2+23xy+y2 =
Thus, 9x2+6xy+y2 = 3x+y2
(ii)4y2+4y+ 1
Using Algebraic Identity ab2 = a22ab+b2 we get: a = and b = .
Simplifying : 2222y1+12 =
Thus, 4y2+4y+ 1 = 2y12
Using Algebraic Identity a+bab = a2-b2 we get: a = and b = .
Simplifying : x2-y102 =
Thus, x2y2100 = x+y10xy10

4. Expand each of the following, using suitable identities.

Hint: Use the Identity for all the given Quetions a+b+c2=a2+b2+c2+2ab+2bc+2ca


x+2y+4z2 = x2+2y2+4z2+ 2×x×2y + 2×2y×4z + 2×4z×x = + + + + +
2xy+z2 = 2x2+y2+z2+ 2×(2x)(-y) + 2(-y)(z) + 2×2xz = + + - - +
2x+3y+2z2 = 2x2+3y2+2z2+ 22x3y + 23y2z + 22z2x = + + - + -
3a7bc2 = 3a2 + 7b2 + c2 + 23a7b + 27bc + 2c3a = + + - + -
2x+5y3z2 = 2x2+5y2+3z2+ 22x5y + 25y3z + 23z2x = + + - - +
14a12b+12 = 14a2 + 12b2 + 12 + 214a12b+ 212b×1 + 2(1)×14a = + + - - b +

5. Factorise the given equation.

Hint:a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca = a+b+c2


(i)4x2 + 9y2 + 16z2 + 12xy - 24yz - 16xz
Comparing with the identity we get: a = , b = , c =
Simplifying: 2x2 + 3y2 + 4z2 + 22x3y + 23y4z + 24z2x =
Hence, 4x2+9y2+16z2+ 12xy - 24yz - 16xz = 2x+3y4z2
We know that, 2 = , 8 = . Comparing with the identity we get: a = , b = and c =
Simplifying: 2x2+y2+8z2-22xy + 42yz - 8xz = (-2x2) + y2 + (22z2) + (2y)2x + 2(y)(22z) + (22z)(-2x) =
Hence 2x2+y2+8z2-22xy + 42yz - 8xz = 2x+y+22z2

6. Write the following cubes in expanded form.

Hint: Use a+b3=a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3


Expanding we get: 2x+13 = 2x3 + 32x2(1) + 32x12 + 13 =
Expanding we get: 2a3b3 = 2a3+32a2(-3b) + 32a3b2+3b3 =
Expanding we get: 32x+13 = 32x3 + 332x2(1) + 332x12+13 =
Expanding we get: x23y3 = x3 + 3x2(23y) + 3x23y2 + 23y3 =
  1. Evaluate the following using suitable identities:


(i) 993
993 =
10013 = 10033×1002×1+3×100×1213 = + =
1023 =
100+23 = 1003+3×1002×2+3×100×22+23 = + + + =
(iii) 9983
9983 =
100023 = 100033×10002×2+3×1000×2223= + =
We have found all the answers.
  1. Factorise each of the following:


(i) 8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab2
Using x+y3 = x3+3xyx+y+y3
8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab2 = 2a3 + b3 + 32a2b + 32ab2 =
(ii) 8a3b312a2b+6ab2
Using xy3 = x33xyxyy3
8a3b312a2b+6ab2 = 2a3b332a2b+32ab2 =
(iii) 27125a3135a+225a2
Using xy3 = x33xyxyy3
27125a3135a+225a2 = 335a33325a+335a2 =
(iv) 64a327b3144a2b+108ab2
Using xy3 = x33xyxyy3
64a327b3144a2b+108ab2 = 4a33b334a23b+34a3b2 =
(v) 27p3121692p2+14p
Using xy3 = x33xyxyy3
27p3121692p2+14p = 3p316392p2+14p = 3p316333p163p16 =
  1. Verify:


(i) x3+y3 = x+yx2xy+y2
Taking x+yx2xy+y2 = xx2xy+y2 + yx2xy+y2
= + = x3+y3 (Hence, proved).
(ii) x3y3=xyx2+xy+y2
Taking xyx2+xy+y2 = xx2+xy+y2yx2+xy+y2
= = x3y3 (Hence, proved).
  1. Factorise each of the following:


(i) 27y3+125z3
Using the formula for the sum of cubes: a3+b3 =
27y3+125z3 = + = 3y23y5z+5z2
= 3y+5z
(ii) 64m3343n3
Using the formula for the difference of cubes: a3b3 =
64m3343n3 = - = 4m2+4m7n+7n2
= 4m7n
  1. Factorise : 27x3+y3+z39xyz


Using a3+b3+c33abc=a+b+ca2+b2+c2abbcca and that 27x3 =
Thus, the expression can be rewritten as: 27x3+y3+z39xyz = + y3 + z3 +
= 3x+y+z
= 3x+y+z
  1. Verify that x3+y3+z33xyz = 12x+y+zxy2+yz2+zx2


We know: x3+y3+z33xyz = x+y+zx2+y2+z2xyyzzx
x3+y3+z33xyz = x+y+z2x2+y2+z2xyyzzx
= 12x+y+z2x2+2y2+2z22xy2yz2zx = 12x+y+z( + + ) (Re-arranging terms)
Thus, we get: x3+y3+z33xyz = 12x+y+zxy2+yz2+zx2 after factorising the expansions. Hence, proved.
  1. If x + y + z = 0, show that x3+y3+z3=3xyz


Given: x + y + z = 0.
Substituting x+y+z=0 into the identity: x3+y3+z3 = x2+y2+z2xyyzzx+3xyz =
Thus, x3+y3+z3 = 3xyz
  1. Without actually calculating the cubes, find the value of each of the following:


We know that: To find the value of the given expressions without actually calculating the cubes, we can use the identity for the sum of cubes: a3+b3+c3 = a+b+ca2+b2+c2abbcca+3abc. If a+b+c=0, the identity simplifies to: a3+b3+c3 =
(i) 123+73+53
First, check if the sum of the numbers is zero: 12+ + 5= .
Since the sum is zero, we can use the simplified identity: 123+73+53 = 3×12×7×5 =
Therefore, the value of 123+73+53 is 1260.
(ii) 283+153+133
First, check if the sum of the numbers is zero: 28 + (−15) + (−13) =
Since the sum is zero, we can use the simplified identity: 283+153+133 = 3×28×15×13 =
Therefore, the value of 283+153+133 is 16380.
  1. Give possible expressions for the length and breadth of each of the following rectangles, in which their areas are given:


(i) Area:25a235a+12
Using the split middle term method: 25a235a+12 = 25a2 + + + 12
This give us: 25a235a+12 =
Therefore, the possible expressions for the length and breadth of the rectangle are: Length: 5a4 and Breadth: 5a3
(ii) Area : 35y2+13y12
We get 35y2+13y12 = 35y2 + − 12
Thus, 35y2+13y12 =
Therefore, the possible expressions for the length and breadth of the rectangle are: Length: 7y3 , Breadth: 5y+4
  1. What are the possible expressions for the dimensions of the cuboids whose volumes are given below?


(i) Volume : 3x212x
To factor 3x212x, we first look for common factors: 3x212x =
The possible expressions for the dimensions of the cuboid are and .
Since the volume of a cuboid is the product of its length, width, and height, we can express these dimensions as: Length: 3, Width: x−4, Height: x (any permutation of these factors)
(ii) Volume: Volume : 12ky2+8ky20k
To factor 12ky2+8ky20k, we first factor out the common factor: 12ky2+8ky20k = 3y2+2y5
Factorising the quadratic expression 3y2+2y5:
Thus, the factored form of the volume is: 12ky2+8ky20k =
The possible expressions for the dimensions of the cuboid are: Length: 4k , Width: 3y+5, Height: y1 (any permutation of these factors)