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9th class > Polynomials > Factorisation of Polynomials

Factorisation of Polynomials

Let us now look at the situation of Example 10 above more closely. It tells us that since the remainder, q 12= 0, (2t + 1) is a factor of q(t), i.e., q(t) = (2t + 1) g(t) for some polynomial g(t). This is a particular case of the following theorem.

Factor Theorem :

If p(x) is a polynomial of degree n1 and a is any real number,then

(i) x – a is a factor of p(x), if p(a) = 0, and

(ii) p(a) = 0, if x – a is a factor of p(x).


By the Remainder Theorem, p(x)=(x – a) q(x) + p(a).

(i) If p(a) = 0, then p(x) = (x – a) q(x), which shows that x – a is a factor of p(x).

(ii) Since x – a is a factor of p(x), p(x) = (x – a) g(x) for same polynomial g(x). In this case, p(a) = (a – a) g(a) = 0.

Example 6

Examine whether x + 2 is a factor of x3+3x2+5x+6 and of 2x + 4.


Examine the factor

  • The zero of x + 2 is . Let p(x) = x3+3x2+5x+6
  • Let s(x) = 2x+4
  • Then substitute x=2 value in the factor of p(x)
  • Calculate the factor and add it.
  • We get the answer as
  • So, by the Factor Theorem, x + 2 is a factor of x3+3x2+5x+6
  • Again, substitute the x=2 value in s(x)
  • We get the answer as
  • So, x + 2 is a factor of 2x + 4. In fact, you can check this without applying the Factor Theorem, since 2x + 4 = (x + 2).

Example 7

Find the value of k, if x – 1 is a factor of 4x3 +3x2 -4x + k


Find the k value

  • As x – 1 is a factor of p(x) we get:
  • Substitute p(x) = 1
  • So p(1) becomes
  • Add the terms, then we get the k=
  • Therefore value of k has been obtained.

We will now use the Factor Theorem to factorise some polynomials of degree 2 and 3.

You are already familiar with the factorisation of a quadratic polynomial like x2+lx+m. You had factorised it by splitting the middle term lx as ax + bx so that ab = m. Then x2+lx+m = x+ax+b.

We shall now try to factorise quadratic polynomials of the type ax2+bx+c, where a ≠ 0 and a, b, c are constants.

Factorisation of the polynomial ax2 + bx + c by splitting the middle term is as follows:

Let its factors be (px + q) and (rx + s). Then 3x2x = = first term of quotient ax2+ bx + c = (px + q) (rx + s) = pr x2 + (ps + qr) x + qs

Comparing the coefficients of x2, we get a = .

Similarly, comparing the coefficients of x, we get b = ps + qr.

And, on comparing the constant terms, we get c = qs.

This shows us that b is the sum of two numbers ps and qr, whose product is (ps)(qr) = (pr)(qs) = ac.

Therefore, to factorise ax2+bx+c, we have to write b as the sum of two numbers whose product is ac.

Example 8

Factorise 6x2 + 17x + 5 by splitting the middle term, and by using the Factor Theorem.



  • (By splitting method): If we can find two numbers p and q such that p + q = 17 and pq = 6 × 5 = , then we can get the factors.
  • Some are 1 and 30, 2 and 15, 3 and 10, 5 and 6. Of these pairs, 2 and 15 will give us p + q = 17.
  • So 6x2+17x+5 we can apply the 15,2 within the 17x
  • Multiply the values with x
  • Split the terms with factors.
  • Separate the terms: ( + 1) + ( + 5)
  • We have found the answer.

Solution 2: (Using the Factor Theorem)

Let's say: 6x2+17x+5 = 6x2+17x6+56 = 6p(x) .

Assume: If a and b are the zeroes of p(x), then:

6p(x) = 6(x-a)(x-b).

So, ab =

Let us look at some possibilities for a and b.

They could be ±12, ±13,±53,±52 and ±1.

Now, p12=14+17612+56 0.

But p13 = .

So, is a factor of p(x).

Similarly, by trial, you can find that is a factor of p(x).

Therefore, 6x2+17x+5 = 6x+13x+52

= 63x+132x+52 =

Example 9

Factorise y2-5y+ 6 by using the Factor Theorem.



  • Let p(y) = y25y+6 Now, if p(y) = (y – a) (y – b), you know that the constant term will be ab. So, ab = . So, to look for the factors of p(y), we look at the factors of .
  • The factors of 6 are 1, and .
  • Now p(2) becomes
  • We get the answer is equal to
  • So, y – 2 is a factor of p(y).
  • Also, p(3) =
  • So, y – 3 is also a factor of y25y+6
  • Therefore, y25y+6 = (y – 2)(y – 3)

Note that y25y+6can also be factorised by splitting the middle term 5y.

Now, let us consider factorising cubic polynomials.

Here, the splitting method will not be appropriate to start with. We need to find at least one factor first, as you will see in the following example.


Example 10 :

Factorise x323x2+142x120
Let p(x) = x323x2+142x120
We shall now look for all the factors of –120. Some of these are ±1, ±2, ±3, ±4, ±5, ±6, ±8, ±10, ±12, ±15, ±20, ±24, ±30, ±60.
By trial, we find that = 0. So is a factor of p(x).
Now we see that x323x2+142x120 = x3x222x2+22x+120x120 = x1 x1 + x1
= x1x222x+120 [Taking (x – 1) common] (We could have also got this by dividing p(x) by x – 1).
Now x222x+120 can be factorised either by splitting the middle term or by using the Factor theorem. By splitting the middle term, we have:
x222x+120 = x212x10x+120 = xx12x12 =
Thus, x323x2+142x120 = x1x12x10
We have found the answer.