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10th class > Introduction to Trigonometry > Exercise 8.1

Exercise 8.1


In ∆ ABC, right-angled at B, AB = 24 cm, BC = 7 cm. Determine : (i) sin A, cos A (ii) sin C, cos C

Applying the Pythagoras theorem for ∆ABC, we can find the hypotenuse (side AC).

In ΔABC, we obtain,

AC2 = AB2 + BC2

= 242 + 72

= + 49



sin A = side opposite to ∠A hypotenuse =

sin A = 7 cm 25 cm =

cos A = side adjacent to ∠Ahypotenuse =

= 24 cm25 cm =


sin C = side opposite to ∠Chypotenuse =

sin C = 24 cm25 cm =

sin C =

cos C = side adjacent to ∠C hypotenuse = BCAC = 7 cm 25 cm =

2. In Fig, find tan P – cot R.

Now, here, we have hypotenuse PR = cm, and side PQ = cm.

Now, from the pythagoras theorem, we have

PQ2 + QR2 =

So, we have,


= 132122

= 25 = cm

We know that, cot R = adjacent side of ∠Ropposite side of ∠R

tan P = opposite side of ∠Padjacent side of ∠P

Hence, we have cot R = QRPQ =

Also, tan P = QRPQ =

So, tan P - cot R = 512 - 512 =

3. If sin A = 34 calculate cos A and tan A

Let ∆ABC be a right-angled triangle, right-angled at point B.

Given that:

sin A =


Let BC be 3k. Therefore, hypotenuse AC will be 4k where k is a integer.

Applying Pythagoras theorem on ∆ABC, we obtain:

AC2 = AB2 +

AB2 = - BC2

AB2 = 4k2 - 3k2

AB2 = k2 - k2

AB2 = k2

AB = 7k

cos A = side adjacent to ∠Ahypotenuse = ABAC = 7k4k = 74

tan A = side opposite to ∠Aside adjacent to ∠A = BCAB = 3k7k = 37

Thus, cos A= 74 and tan A =37

4. Given 15 cot A = 8, find sin A and sec A.

Let us consider a right-angled ΔABC, right-angled at B.

cot A= side adjacent to ∠Aside opposite to ∠A =

It is given that 15 cot A =


Let AB be 8k. Therefore, BC will be 15 k where k is a integer.

Applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔABC, we obtain.

AC2 = AB2 + BC2

AC2 =8k2 + 15k2

AC2= k2 + k2

AC2 = k2

AC = k

sin A = side opposite to ∠Ahypotenuse = BCAC = 15k / 17k =

sec A = hypotenuseside adjacent to ∠A = ACAB = 17k / 8k =

Thus, sin A = 1517 and sec A = 178.

5. Given sec θ = 1312, calculate all other trigonometric ratios.

Let ΔABC be a right-angled triangle, right angled at point B.

It is given that:

sec θ = hypotenuseside adjacent to ∠θ = ACAB =

Let AC = k and AB = k, where k is a positive integer.

Applying Pythagoras theorem in Δ ABC, we obtain:

AC2 = AB2 + BC2

BC2 = AC2- AB2

BC2 = 13k2 - 12k2

BC2 = k2 - k2

BC2 = k2

BC = k

sin θ = side opposite to ∠θhypotenuse = BCAC =

cos θ = side adjacent to ∠θhypotenuse = ABAC =

tan θ = side opposite to ∠θside adjacent to ∠θ = BCAB =

cot θ = side adjacent to ∠θside opposite to ∠θ = ABBC =

cosec θ = hypotenuseside opposite to ∠θ = ACBC =

6. If ∠A and ∠B are acute angles such that cos A = cos B, then show that ∠A = ∠B

In the right-angled triangle ABC as shown below, ∠A and ∠B are acute angles and ∠C is right angle.

cos A = side adjacent to ∠Ahypotenuse =

cos B = side adjacent to ∠Bhypotenuse =

Given that cos A = cos B

Therefore, ACAB = BCAB

AC =

Hence, ∠A = ∠B (angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are .)

Let's look into an alternative approach to solve the question.

Let us consider a triangle ABC in which CO ⊥ .

It is given that cos A =



Let AOBO = ACBC= k

AO = k × ...(i)

AC = k × ...(ii)

By applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔCAO and ΔCBO, we get

AC2 = + (from ΔCAO)

CO2 = - AO2 ...(iii)

BC2 = + CO2 (from ΔCBO)

CO2= - BO2 ...(iv)

From equation (iii) and equation (iv), we get

AC2 - AO2 = BC2 -

kBC2 - kBO2 = - BO2 [From equation (i) and (ii)]

k2 BC2 - k2 BO2 = BC2-

k2 (BC2 - BO2) = BC2 - BO2

k2 = BC2BO2BC2BO2=

k =

Putting this value in equation (ii) we obtain,

AC =

Thus, ∠A = ∠B (angles opposite to equal sides of triangle are equal.)

7. If cot θ = 78, evaluate: (i) (1 + sin θ)(1 - sin θ)(1 + cos θ)(1 - cos θ) (ii) cot2θ

Consider ΔABC as shown below where angle B is a right angle.

cot θ = side adjacent to θside opposite to θ = ABBC =

Let AB = 7k and BC = 8k, where k is a integer.

By applying Pythagoras theorem in Δ ABC, we get

AC2 = AB2 +

= 7k2 + 8k2

= k2 + k2

= k2

AC = 113k2

= 113k

Therefore, sin θ = side opposite to θhypotenuse = BCAC = 8k113k = 8113

cos θ = side adjacent to θhypotenuse = ABAC = 7k113k = 7113


(i) (1 + sin θ)(1 - sin θ)(1 + cos θ)(1 - cos θ) = 1 - sin2θ 1 - cos2θ [Since, (a + b)(a - b) = (a2 - b2)]

= 18sqrt113217sqrt1132

= 164/113149/113

= 4911364113



(ii) cot2θ = 782


8. If 3 cot A = 4, check whether 1tan2A1+tan2A = cos2 A - sin2 A or not

Let ΔABC be a right-angled triangle where angle B is a right angle.

cot A = side adjacent to ∠Aside opposite to ∠A = ABBC =

Let AB = 4k and BC = 3k, where k is a integer.

By applying the Pythagoras theorem in ΔABC, we get,

AC2 = AB2 + BC2

= 4k2 + 3k2

= k2 + k2

= k2

AC = 25k2

= k


tan A = side opposite to ∠Aside adjacent to ∠A = BCAB = 3k4k =

sin A = side opposite to ∠Ahypotenuse = BCAC = 3k5k =

cos A = side adjacent to ∠Ahypotenuse = ABAC = 4k5k =

L.H.S = 1tan2A1+tan2A

= 13421+342

= 19161+916

= 16916+9


R.H.S = cos2 A - sin2 A

452 - 352

= 1625 -

= 16925


Therefore, 1tan2A1+tan2A = cos2 A - sin2 A

9. In the triangle ABC right-angled at B, if tan A = 1/√3, find the value of:

Let ΔABC be a right-angled triangle such that tan A = 13

tan A = side opposite to ∠A side adjacent to ∠A = BCAB = 13

Let BC = k and AB = √3 k, where k is a integer.

By applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔABC, we have

AC2 = AB2 +

= 3k2 + k2

= 3k2 + k2

= 4k2

AC = k

Therefore, sin A = side opposite to ∠Ahypotenuse = BCAC =

cos A = side adjacent to ∠Ahypotenuse = ABAC =

sin C = side opposite to ∠Chypotenuse = ABAC =

cos C = side adjacent to ∠Chypotenuse = BCAC =


(i) sin A cos C + cos A sin C

By substituting the values of the trigonometric functions in the above equation we get,

sin A cos C + cos A sin C = 12 12 + 32 32

= + 34

= 1 + 34




(ii) cos A cos C - sin A sin C

By substituting the values of the trigonometric functions in the above equation we get,

cos A cos C - sin A sin C = 3212 - 1232

= 34 - 34


10. In ΔPQR, right-angled at Q, PR + QR = 25 cm and PQ = 5 cm. Determine the values of sin P, cos P and tan P

Given ∆PQR is right-angled at Q.

PQ = cm

PR + QR = cm

Let PR = x cm


QR = cm - PR

= (25 - ) cm

By applying Pythagoras theorem in ∆ PQR, we obtain.

PR2 = PQ2 + QR2

x2 = 52 + 25x2

x2 = + - x + x2

50x =

x = 65050 =

Therefore, PR = cm

QR = (25 - 13) cm = cm

By substituting the values obtained above in the trigonometric ratios below we get,

sin P = side opposite to angle Phypotenuse = QRPR =

cos P = side adjacent to angle Phypotenuse = PQPR =

tan P = side opposite to angle Pside adjacent to angle P = QRPQ =

11. State whether the following are true or false. Justify your answer.


(i) The value of tan A is always less than 1.

Answer: ,

because tan 60° = 3 >


(ii) sec A= 125 for some value of angle A.

Answer: ,

Reason: sec A = hypotenuseside adjacent to ∠Α

As hypotenuse is the largest side, the ratio on RHS will be greater than 1. Hence, the value of sec A is always greater than or equal to .

Thus, the given statement is true.


(iii) cos A is the abbreviation used for the cosecant of angle A.

Answer: ,

Reason: Abbreviation used for cosecant of ∠A is cosec A and cos A is the abbreviation used for cosine of ∠A.

Hence the given statement is false.


(iv) cot A is the product of cot and A.

Answer: ,

Reason: cot A is not the product of cot and A. It is the cotangent of ∠A.

Hence, the given statement is false.


(v) sinθ = 43 for some angle θ.

Answer: ,

Reason: We know that in a right-angled triangle, sin θ = side adjacent to ∠θhypotenuse

In a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is always greater than the remaining sides.

Also, the value of sine cannot be greater than but 43 is > .

Therefore, such a value of sin θ is not possible. Hence the given statement is false.