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6th class > > Exercise 5.2

Exercise 5.2

1. What fraction of a clockwise revolution does the hour hand of a clock turn through, when it goes from

(a) 3 to 9

we move hours,The total angle turned through is 6×30=

Fraction 180/360 = .

(b) 4 to 7

We move hours,The total angle turned through is 3×30 = .

Fraction 90/360 = .

(c) 12 to 9

We move hours,The total angle turned through is 9×30 = .

Fraction 270/360 = .

(d) 1 to 10

We move hours,The total angle turned through is 9×30 = .

Fraction 270/360 = .

2. Where will the hand of a clock stop if it

We can then calculate the position by multiplying the fraction of the revolution by 12 hours.

(a) starts at 12 and makes 1/2 of a revolution, clockwise?

= 1/2 x 12 = hrs.

= Start at 12,moving 6 hrs clockwise brings us to .

(b) starts at 2 and makes 1/2 of a revolution, clockwise?

= 1/2 x 12 = hrs.

= Start at 2,moving 6 hrs clockwise brings us to .

3. Which direction will you face if you start facing.

(a) East and make 1/2 of a revolution clockwise?

1 revolution = 360 degrees

1/2 revolution = 180 degrees

Thus, we start from East, move 180 degrees clockwise and stop at .

(b) West and make 3/4 of a revolution anti-clockwise?

3/4 revolution = degrees = 1/2 revolution + 1/4 revolution (180 degrees + 90 degrees).

Thus, we start from West, and stop at .

(c) South and make one full revolution?

Thus, after 1 complete revolution that is 360 degrees, we stop at the same point from where we had started i.e, .

4. What part of a revolution have you turned through if you stand facing

Instructions: 1/4 revolution = 90 degrees, 1/2 revolution = 180 degrees, 3/4 revolution = 270 degrees.

(a) east and turn clockwise to face north?

= Starting from East and turning clockwise to North involves a -degree turn : 270/360 = .

(b) south and turn clockwise to face east?

= Starting from South and turning clockwise to East involves a -degree turn : 90/360 = .

(c) west and turn clockwise to face east?

Starting from West and turning clockwise to East involves a -degree turn : 180/360 = .

5. Find the number of right angles turned through by the hour hand of a clock when it goes from

(a) 3 to 6

Number of Hours : 6 - 3 = hrs.

Right angle.

(b) 2 to 8

Number of Hours : 8 - 2 = hrs.

Right angle.

(c) 5 to 11

Number of Hours : 11 - 5 = hrs.

Right angle.

(d) 10 to 1

Number of Hours : (10 to 12 ) + (12 to 1) 2 + 1 = hrs.

Right angle.

6. How many right angles do you make if you start facing

(a) south and turn clockwise to west : .

(b) north and turn anti-clockwise to east : .

(c) west and turn to west .

7. Where will the hour hand of a clock stop if it starts.

Each hour on the clock represents 360/12=30.

(a) from 6 and turns through 1 right angle?

1 right angle =.

since each hour is 30 : = 3Hours.

Start from + = .

(b) from 8 and turns through 2 right angles?

2 Right angles x = 180

180 degrees corresponds to 180/30 = Hours.

start from + = .

Clock resets after 12: - 12 = .

(c) from 10 and turns through 3 right angles?

3 Right angles x = .

270 degrees corresponding to / =Hours.

Start from + =

Clock resets after 12 : - = .