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6th class > > Try These

Try These

Try These

  1. Write the predecessor and successor of

19:The predecessor of 19 is . The successor of 19 is .

1997:The predecessor of 1997 is ,The successor of 1997 is .

12000:The predecessor of 12000 is ,The successor of 12000 is .

49:The predecessor of 49 is ,The successor of 49 is .

100000:The predecessor of 100000 is ,The successor of 100000 is .

  1. Is there any natural number that has no predecessor?

Yes, there is a natural number that has no predecessor, and that number is .

  1. Is there any natural number which has no successor? Is there a last natural number?

No, there is no natural number which has no successor. Every natural number has a successor, which is the next number in the sequence.

For example:The successor of 1 : .

Find 4 + 5 2 + 6, 3 + 5 and 1+6 using the number line.

4+5 = 9

2+6 = 8

3+5 = 8

1+6 = 7

Find 8 – 3,6 – 2, 9 – 6 using the number line.

8 – 3 = 5

6 – 2 = 4

9 – 6 = 3

Find 2 × 6,3 × 3, 4 × 2 using the number line.

2 x 6 = 12

3 x 3 = 9

4 x 2 = 8

Try This

1.Find the greatest and the smallest numbers.

  • Greatest smallest

  • Greatest smallest

  • Greatest smallest

  • Greatest smallest

Try This

  1. Use the given digits without repetition and make the greatest and smallest 4-digit numbers. (Hint : 0754 is a 3-digit number.)

(a) 2, 8, 7, 4 : Greatest number:

Smallest number:

(b) 9, 7, 4, 1 : Greatest number:

Smallest number:

(d) 1, 7, 6, 2 : Greatest number:

Smallest number:

(c) 4, 7, 5, 0 : Greatest number:

Smallest number:

(e) 5, 4, 0, 3 : Greatest number:

Smallest number:

  1. Now make the greatest and the smallest 4-digit numbers by using any one digit twice.

Hint : For greatest twice the number which is high from the given number, for smallest twice the number which is small from the given number.

(a) 3, 8, 7 : Greatest: , Smallest: .

(b) 9, 0, 5 : Greatest: , Smallest: .

(c) 0, 4, 9 : Greatest: , Smallest: .

  1. Take two digits, say 2 and 3. Make 4-digit numbers using both the digits equal number of times.

Which is the greatest number

Which is the smallest number

How many different numbers can you make in all .

Try This

  1. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order ?

(a) 847, 9754, 8320, 571 : , , 8320, .

(b) 9801, 25751, 36501, 38802 : , , , .

  1. Arrange the following numbers in descending order ?

(a) 5000, 7500, 85400, 7861 : , 7861, , .

(b) 1971, 45321, 88715, 92547 : 92547, , , .

Make three such examples of ascending/descending order and solve them.

Example 1 : 9842,520,47662,205

Asecending order:,, 9842, .

Descending order:, , , 205.

Example 2 : 7800, 2345, 5670, 6789

Asecending order: , 5670, , .

Descending order: 9032, , 4780, .

Example 3 : 1023, 4567, 789, 2345

Asecending order: 789, , , .

Descending order: , , , 741.

Try This

  1. Give five examples where the number of things counted would be more than 6-digit number.

  2. Starting from the greatest 6-digit number, write the previous five numbers in descending order.

Greatest 6 digit number : .

The previous five numbers in descending order are:

= .

= .

= .

= .

= .

  1. Starting from the smallest 8-digit number, write the next five numbers in ascending order and read them.

The smallest 8-digit number is .

The next five numbers in ascending order are:

= .

= .

= .

= .

= .

Try This

  1. Read these numbers. Write them using placement boxes and then write their expanded forms. (i) 475320

Expanded form : 475,320=4×100,000+7×10,000+5×1,000+3×100+2×10+0×1.

(ii) 9847215


Expanded form : 9,847,215=9×1,000,000+8×100,000+4×10,000+7×1,000+2×100+1×10+5×1.

(iii) 97645310


Expanded form : 97,645,310=9×10,000,000+7×1,000,000+6×100,000+4×10,000+5×1,000+3×100+1×10+0×1.

(a) Which is the smallest number :

(b) Which is the greatest number :

(c) Arrange these numbers in ascending and descending orders: Ascending order :

Descending order :

  1. Read these numbers. (i) 527864

(a) Write these numbers using placement boxes and then using commas in Indian as well as International System of Numeration.

(i) 527864





CroreTen LakhLakhTen ThousandThousandHundredTenUnits
Indian SystemInternational System

(b) Arrange these in ascending and descending order.

Ascending Order : ,,

Descending Order : ,,.

  1. Take three more groups of large numbers and do the exercise given above.

Numbers : 3682051, 47200320, 250094762.


TenLakhLakhTen ThousandThousandHundredTenUnits


|Crore|Ten Lakh|Lakh|Ten Thousand|Thousand|Hundred|Ten| |Units| |-----|--------|----|-------------|--------|-------|---|------| |4|7|2|0|0|3|2|0|


Ten CroreCroreTen LakhLakhTen ThousandThousandHundredTenUnits
Indian SystemInternational System

Ascending Order : ,,.

Descending Order : ,,.

Try This

  1. You have the following digits 4, 5, 6, 0, 7 and 8. Using them, make five numbers each with 6 digits.

= 405678,760458,876540,587460,678504.

(a) Put commas for easy reading.

1., , , , .

(b) Arrange them in ascending and descending order.

ascending order : , ,, ,.

descending order : , , , , .

  1. Take the digits 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Make any three numbers each with 8 digits. Put commas for easy reading.

Numbers - 1. 7,894,586 2. 9,675,843 3.8,564,739


  1. From the digits 3, 0 and 4, make five numbers each with 6 digits. Use commas

304000 add commas - 340000 add commas - 403000 add commas - 430000 add commas - 300400 add commas -

Try This


  1. How many centimetres make a kilometre?

1 Kilometre = 1000 meters.

1 meter = 100 centimetres.

So, 1 kilometer = 1000 x 100 = centimeters.

  1. Name five large cities in India. Find their population. Also, find the distance in kilometres between each pair of these cities.

Try These

  1. A bus started its journey and reached different places with a speed of 60 km/hour. The journey is shown on page 14.

(i)Find the total distance covered by the bus from A to D.

= AB + BC + CD : + + = km.

(ii)Find the total distance covered by the bus from D to G.

= DE + EF + FG : + + = km.

(iii)Find the total distance covered by the bus, if it starts from A and returns back to A.

Start from A and Return back to A = sum of all the distance covered km.

(iv) Can you find the difference of distances from C to D and D to E?

= (-)km = km.

(v) Find out the time taken by the bus to reach

Time = Distance / Time

(a) A to B

= 4170/60 = hrmin (b) C to D

= 2160 / 60 = hr.

(c) E to G

= 8140 / 60 = hrminsec.

(d) Total journey


  1. Raman's Shop
Apples40 per kg
Oranges30 per kg
Combs3 for each
Tooth Brushes10 for one
Pencils1 for one
Note books6 for one
Soap cakes8 for one

The sales during the last year

Apples2457 kg
Oranges3004 kg
Tooth Brushes25367
Note books40002
Soap cakes20005

(a) Can you find the total weight of apples and oranges Raman sold last year?

Weight of apples = kg

Weight of oranges = kg

Therefore, total weight = kg + kg = kg

Answer – The total weight of oranges and apples = kg.

(b) Can you find the total money Raman got by selling apples?

= 40 x 2457kg = kg.

(c) Can you find the total money Raman got by selling apples and oranges together?

= 98280 + 90120 = .

(d) Make a table showing how much money Raman received from selling each item. Arrange the entries of amount of money received in descending order. Find the item which brought him the highest amount. How much is this amount?

Tooth Brushes253670
Note books240012
Soap cakes160040

Item which brought him the highest amount =

The amount is .

Try These

Find the common factors of

(a) 8:1,2,4,8

20 : 1,2,4,5,10,20

Common factors are : ,, .

(b) 9 : 1,3,9

15 : 1,3,5,15

Common factors are : , .

1.Write the prime factorisations of 16, 28, 38.

Prime factorisation of 16: 2 x x x .

Prime factorisation of 28: x 2 x .

Prime factorisation of 38: x 19.