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8th class > Understanding Quadrilaterals > Sum of the Measures of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon

Sum of the Measures of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon

The knowledge of exterior angles may throw light on the nature of interior angles and sides.

Polygon ABCDE

A polygon say, a pentagon ABCDE is drawn on the floor, using a piece of chalk.

We stand at A and start walking along the side AB. On reaching B, we need to turn through an angle (equal to the exterior angle subtended by side BC wrt x-axis), to walk along BC.

When you reach at C, we need to turn through an angle (equal to the exterior angle subtended by side CD wrt y-axis) to walk along CD. We continue to move in this manner, until we return to side AB.

We would have in fact made one complete turn i.e. .


The sum of the measures of the external angles of any polygon is 360°

This is true whatever be the number of sides of the polygon, as this same logic can be used for others as well.

Example 1: Find measure of x.

Solution: x + 90° + 50° + 110° = ° (Sum of the measures of the external angles of any polygon is 360°)

x + ° = 360°

x = °

Thus, x is equal to 110°.

Try These

1.What is the sum of the measures of its exterior angles x, y, z, p, q, r?

For the given regular hexagon,

Regular Hexagon

The measure of ∠a = o

The ∠x, ∠y, ∠z, ∠p, ∠q, ∠r in the given figure, are .

x ,y ,z ,p ,q ,r are all exterior angles.

Hence, x + y + z + p + q + r = °

2. Is x = y = z = p = q = r? Why?

It is a hexagon with all sides .

a + r = a + x = a + y = a + z = a + p = a + q = °

Hence, x = y = z = p = q = r (after 'a' from all equations)

3. What is the measure of each?

(i) exterior angle

(ii) interior angle


(i) The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is always °.

For a regular polygon, all exterior angles are equal.

Therefore, the measure of each exterior angle is given by:

Exterior Angle = 360°Numberofsides

For a hexagon, the number of sides is .


Exterior Angle = 360°6 = °

(ii) The sum of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is given by:

Sum of Interior Angles = (n−2) × 180°

For a hexagon, n = 6.

Sum of Interior Angles = (6−2) × 180° = × 180° = °

Since the hexagon is regular, all interior angles are equal.

Interior Angle = 720°6 = °

Thus, for a regular hexagon: the measure of each exterior angle is 60° while measure of each interior angle is 120°.

4. Repeat this activity for the cases of:

(i) a regular octagon

(ii) a regular 20-gon



Exterior Angle:

Exterior Angle = 360°Numberofsides = 360°8 = °

Interior Angle:

Sum of Interior Angles = (n−2) × 180° = (8−2) × 180° = × 180° = °

Interior Angle = 1080°8 = °

Thus, for a regular octagon: the measure of each exterior angle is 45° while measure of each interior angle is 135°.


Exterior Angle:

Exterior Angle = 360°Numberofsides = 360°20 = °

Interior Angle:

Sum of Interior Angles = (n−2) × 180° = (20−2) × 180° = × 180° = °

Interior Angle = 3240°20 = °

Thus, for a regular 20-gon: the measure of each exterior angle is 18° while measure of each interior angle is 162°.

Example 2: Find the number of sides of a regular polygon whose each exterior angle has a measure of 45°.

Solution: Total measure of all exterior angles = °

Measure of each exterior angle = °

Therefore, the number of exterior angles = 360°45 =

The polygon has 8 sides.