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9th class > Quadrilaterals > The Mid-point Theorem

The Mid-point Theorem

Let's now, move on to some important results related to the mid-point of the sides of a triangle.

Activity: On a piece of paper, draw a triangle ABC and mark the mid-points E and F of two sides (AB and AC in this case) of the triangle. Join the points E and F.

Using a ruler and protractor, measure:

EF and BC

∠ AEF and ∠ ABC

What observation can be made? We see that :

EF = 12 BC and ∠ AEF = ∠ ABC

Since, ∠ AEF is equal to ∠ ABC with AB acting as a transverse, we can say that:

EF || BC

Theorem : The line segment joining the mid-points of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side.

We have D and E as the mid-points of the sides AB and AC. Join both the points and extend DE further. Also draw a line parallel to the side AB from point C. Let the point at which the extended DE line and the line parallel to AB intersect be point F.


Prove the above theorem

  • Considering the triangles △ADE and △CFE: AE = ( is the midpoint)
  • ∠DAE = ∠ ( they are interior angles) and ∠AED = ∠ ( vertically angles)
  • Thus, by congruency rule: △ADE ≅ △
  • By CPCT: AD = and DE =
  • Thus, we see BD = AD = CF. Since, we have BD = CF and BD ∥ CF (by construction) : BCFD is a
  • This further tells us: ED ∥ (Opposite sides of a parallelogram)
  • This also means: EF ∥
  • Thus, the line segment joining the mid points of a triangle is parallel to the third side.
  • Hence, proved.

But, what about the length of this line segment ? Let's find out.


Find out the length of the segment

  • We have already proved that: DE =
  • We also have that: DE + = DF = BC (Opposite sides of the parallelogram)
  • We can write: EF = BC
  • Thus, = BC
  • Thus, we have found the length of the segment.


The line segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and is half as long as the third side.

Now, is the converse true? Let's find out.

Theorem : The line drawn through the mid-point of one side of a triangle, parallel to another side bisects the third side.

Here, we have been given that:


Now, let's extend this side EF upto a certain point. Also draw a line parallel to the side AB from point C. Let the point of intersection of these constructed lines be point D.

Now, we have a parallelogram BCDE, since the opposite sides are all parallel.


Prove the above theorem

  • We have: BE = ( sides of parallelogram)
  • BE = (Midpoint of side ).Thus, AE =
  • Considering the triangles △AEF and △CDF, we have: AE = CD (Proved), ∠AEF = ∠ ( interior angles)
  • And ∠AFE = ∠ (vertically opposite angle)
  • By congruency criterion: △AEF ≅ △
  • By CPCT: AF = i.e. F is the of AC
  • Hence, proved.

Example 6: In ∆ ABC, D, E and F are respectively the mid-points of sides AB, BC and CA. Show that ∆ ABC is divided into four congruent triangles by joining D, E and F.


Prove the above statement

  • D and E are of sides AB and BC of the triangle ABC.
  • Thus, DE|| (Line segment joining midpoints is parallel to third side)
  • Similarly we get: DF || and EF ||
  • Therefore, ADEF, BDFE and DFCE are all .
  • We know that: a diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two triangles. is a diagonal of the parallelogram BDFE.
  • Therefore, ∆ BDE ≅ ∆
  • Similarly, ∆ ≅ ∆ FED and ∆ ≅ ∆ FED.
  • Thus, all the four triangles are congruent.

Example 7 : l, m and n are three parallel lines intersected by transversals p and q such that l, m and n cut off equal intercepts AB and BC on p. Show that l, m and n cut off equal intercepts DE and EF on q also.



Given: AB = BC . Let us join A to F intersecting m at G. The trapezium ACFD is divided into two triangles; namely ∆ ACF and ∆ .
In ∆ ACF: it is given that is the mid-point of AC i.e. AB = and BG || (since m || n). So, is the mid-point of AF.
In ∆ AFD: we can apply the same argument as G is the mid-point of AF. Here, GE || .So, is the mid-point of DF i.e., DE = .
In other words, l, m and n cut off equal intercepts on q also.