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9th class > Triangles > Exercise 7.2

Exercise 7.2

1. In an isosceles triangle ABC, with AB = AC, the bisectors of ∠ B and ∠ C intersect each other at O. Join A to O. Show that:

(i) OB = OC

(ii) AO bisects ∠ A


Prove the above statement

  • Given: AB = AC and the angle bisectors of ∠B i.e. and ∠C i.e. intersect each other at point O.
  • ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC, thus: ∠B = ∠
  • 12∠B = 12∠C i.e. ∠ = ∠
  • Since, ∠OBC = ∠OCB i.e. =
  • Considering the triangles ΔAOB and ΔAOC, AB = AC (given), AO = AO (common arm) and OB = OC (proven).
  • By congruency : ΔAOB ≅ Δ
  • By CPCT: ∠BAO = ∠ i.e. AO bisects ∠A.
  • Hence, proved.

In ∆ ABC, AD is the perpendicular bisector of BC. Show that ∆ ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC.



Considering ΔADB and ΔADC: AD = ( side)
∠ADB = ∠ (base angles in an triangle) and BD = (since is the perpendicular bisector)
So, ΔADB ≅ Δ by congruency criterion rule.
Thus, by CPST: AB =
Hence, proved.

3. ABC is an isosceles triangle in which altitudes BE and CF are drawn to equal sides AC and AB respectively. Show that these altitudes are equal.


Prove the above statement

  • Considering the triangles ΔAEB and ΔAFC: ∠A = ∠A (common angle), ∠AEB = ∠AFC (as BE and CF are ), AB = AC (given)
  • By congruency: Δ ≅ ΔAFC
  • By CPCT: BE =
  • Hence, proved.

ABC is a triangle in which altitudes BE and CF to sides AC and AB are equal. Show that:

(i) ∆ ABE ≅ ∆ ACF

(ii) AB = AC, i.e., ABC is an isosceles triangle.



Given: BE =
(i) Considering ΔABE and ΔACF: ∠AEB = ∠ ( angles)
∠A = ∠ ( angle) and BE = (Given)
Thus, ΔABE ≅ Δ by congruency condition.
By CPCT: AB = . _{span.reveal(when="blank-8")}So, ABC is an triangle.

5.ABC and DBC are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC. Show that ∠ ABD = ∠ ACD.

We know that ABC and DBC are two isosceles triangles. We can draw the diagonal AD to form the triangles ΔABD and ΔACD.


Prove the above statement

  • Considering the triangles ΔABD and ΔACD:AD = AD (common arm), AB = AC (ABC is an triangle) and BD = (BCD is an isosceles triangle)
  • By congruency rule: ΔABD ≅ Δ
  • Therefore, by CPCT: ∠ABD = ∠
  • Hence, proved.

6. ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. Side BA is produced to D such that AD = AB as shown below. Show that ∠ BCD is a right angle.


Prove the above statement

  • Given that AB = AC and AD = AB. Thus, AB = = .This means that the triangles ΔABC and ΔACD are triangles.
  • Considering the triangle ΔABC: AB = AC and ∠ACB = ∠ as they are angles opposite to the sides.
  • Similarly, consider the triangle ΔACD: AD = which makes ∠ADC = ∠
  • In the case of ΔABC, ∠CAB + ∠ACB + ∠ABC = °
  • Substituting values
  • To get the equation (1)
  • Similarly,in the triangle ΔADC: ∠CAD = 180° – ∠ACD — (2)
  • From the figure that:∠CAB + ∠CAD = 180° (as BD is a line)
  • Adding the equations (1) and (2) we get
  • Simplifying: (∠ACB + ∠ACD) = 180°
  • Which gives: ∠ = °
  • Hence, proved.

ABC is a right angled triangle in which ∠ A = 90° and AB = AC. Find ∠ B and ∠ C.


Given: ∠A = ° and AB = ⇒ ∠B = ∠ (They are angles to the equal sides, so they are )
We have: ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = ° (sum of the interior angles of the triangle)
Thus, ° + ∠B = ° ⇒ 2∠B = ° ⇒ ∠B = °
Thus, ∠B = ∠C = °

8.Show that the angles of an equilateral triangle are 60° each.


Prove the above statement

  • Let ABC be an equilateral triangle as shown above.Thus, AB = = (enter sides in anticlockwise direction)
  • We also know that: ∠A+ ∠B + ∠C = 180°. Thus, ∠A = 180° i.e. ∠A = °
  • Therefore, ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = °
  • Thus, all angles of an equilateral triangle are always 60°.