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7th class > The Triangles and its Properties > Comparison and differences between altitudes and medians in a triangle

Comparison and differences between altitudes and medians in a triangle

DefinitionA line segment from a vertex to the midpoint of the side.A line segment from a vertex to the opposite side (or its extension) and perpendicular to it.
PurposeDivides the opposite side into two parts.Represents the shortest distance from a vertex to the opposite side.
IntersectionThe point where it intersects the side is the midpoint of that side.The point where it intersects the opposite side is called the foot of the altitude.
PropertiesIn any triangle, the medians intersect at the centroid, which is the centre of mass.In any triangle, the altitudes intersect at the point called orthocentre, which may lie inside or outside the .
Dependence on Triangle TypeIn an isosceles or equilateral triangle, a median can also be an altitude.In a right-angled triangle, the two legs can serve as altitudes. In an triangle, an altitude may lie outside the triangle.
In Equilateral TriangleAll medians are equal in length and also serve as altitudes.All altitudes are in length and also serve as medians.

1. Take several cut-outs of


(i) an equilateral triangle

equilateral triangle

Find their altitudes and medians. Do you find anything special about them? Discuss it with your friends.


equilateral triangle

In an equilateral triangle, all medians, altitudes, angle bisectors, and perpendicular bisectors coincide. This is a unique property of equilateral triangles altitude and median are .


(ii) an isosceles triangle and

isosceles triangle

Find their altitudes and medians. Do you find anything special about them? Discuss it with your friends.


isosceles triangle

In an isosceles triangle, the median from the vertex angle to the base is also an altitude and an angle bisector, but this is not true for the other medians altitude and median are .


(iii) a scalene triangle.

scalene triangle

Find their altitudes and medians. Do you find anything special about them? Discuss it with your friends.


scalene triangle

In a scalene triangle, the altitudes and medians are all distinct and do not necessarily coincide altitude and median are .